Terms of Use of Cryptozilla.pro

Last updated: July 15th, 2024

These Terms of Use are an agreement between you (referred to as "You," "the User," or "Your") and Cryptozilla.pro (referred to as "Cryptozilla.pro," "the Website," "We," "Us"). By accessing, loading, using, or clicking “I accept” to avail any services offered by Cryptozilla.pro, You confirm that You have read, understood, and accepted all the terms and conditions outlined in these Terms of Use (referred to as "these Terms of Use") as well as our Privacy Policy at https://cryptozilla.pro/privacy. If You do not accept these Terms of Use or any part thereof, You must immediately stop using Cryptozilla.pro services.

1. General Terms
1.1 These Terms of Use are effective from the moment You use the Website and remain valid indefinitely.

1.2 Definitions within these Terms of Use:

- “Cryptozilla.pro”, “Website”, “the Services”, “We”, “Us” refer to https://cryptozilla.pro and all related products, including mobile applications, managed by the company.
- “User”, “You”, “Your” refers to any natural or legal person accessing the Website and using its Services while accepting these Terms of Use.
- “Party” refers to either the User or Cryptozilla.pro. Together, the Parties are You and Cryptozilla.pro.
- “Crypto assets” mean assets transmitted exclusively using blockchain technology, including digital coins, tokens, and other digital mediums of exchange.
- “Cryptocurrency” refers to blockchain-based software registry data.
- “Exchange” refers to exchanging one Crypto asset for another, or the same asset on a different blockchain.

1.3 Terms referring to the singular include the plural and vice versa, and terms denoting a gender include all genders.

1.4 You acknowledge that these Terms of Use may be updated by Cryptozilla.pro at any time. If You do not read or accept these Terms of Use, You must cease using the Services immediately.

2. Personal Information
2.1 By accepting these Terms of Use, You authorize Cryptozilla.pro to process and export Your personal information outside Your jurisdiction.

3. Suspension of Access to the Services and the Website
3.1 Cryptozilla.pro reserves the right to terminate Your access to the Website for any reason, including violation of these Terms of Use, at its sole discretion, immediately, without prior notice or liability.

3.2 Cryptozilla.pro may suspend or block Your access for any reason, including violation of these Terms of Use, at its sole discretion, immediately, without prior notice or liability.

3.3 Cryptozilla.pro will not justify its actions.

4. AML/KYC Policy
4.1 By accepting these Terms of Use, You agree to undergo an AML/KYC procedure if requested by Cryptozilla.pro.

4.2 Cryptozilla.pro reserves the right to request any state-issued identification and additional information concerning the origin of funds during the AML/KYC process.

4.3 Cryptozilla.pro reserves the right to freeze transactions for any period necessary to complete investigations and AML/KYC procedures.

4.4 Cryptozilla.pro may transfer frozen funds to cold storage to ensure their safety during investigations and AML/KYC procedures.

4.5 If You refuse to undergo AML/KYC procedures or fail to provide the requested documents and information, Cryptozilla.pro may decline your transactions.

4.6 You warrant that all information provided is accurate, current, and complete, and You take full responsibility for its reliability and accuracy.

4.7 KYC checks take up to 3 days. If You refuse the procedure, You will receive a refund unless the transaction is suspected of illegal activity.

5. Refund Policy
5.1 Cryptozilla.pro is not responsible for risks associated with using the Website, including currency and market risks. All sales and transactions after an Exchange are final and non-refundable.

5.2 All decisions regarding refunds or Exchanges by Cryptozilla.pro are final.

5.3 Refunds may take up to 14 business days, except in cases described in paragraph 5.10.

5.4 If there are dramatic changes in the Cryptocurrency market, Cryptozilla.pro may suspend fixed-rate Exchanges, perform exchanges at market rates, or return Cryptocurrency to the User's choice. Dramatic changes refer to rate changes of 5% or more in either direction.

5.5 Cryptozilla.pro is not liable for funds transferred to fake phishing websites. Users must verify the correct URL (cryptozilla.pro) and look for the security certificate in the browser's URL string.

5.6 In limited circumstances, Cryptozilla.pro may hold User funds for up to 1 year. After this period, Cryptozilla.pro cannot guarantee the security of unclaimed funds. Efforts will be made to return unclaimed funds upon request, but Cryptozilla.pro is not liable for the outcome.

5.7 Fake tokens or fraudulent tokens are those with no value that mimic existing projects without a project contract address. Cryptozilla.pro will not recognize, exchange, or return such tokens.

5.8 Cryptozilla.pro may stop the theft of funds from a User upon receiving a law enforcement request clearly stating the funds must be returned. Refunds will be issued to the initial address within 14 business days after receiving the request.

5.9 Deposits below the minimum amount indicated on the Website will not be refunded.

5.10 If deposits are made through incorrect networks or without required MEMO/tags, Cryptozilla.pro will attempt but cannot guarantee the return of funds. Refund terms are not established in these cases.

6. Prohibited Jurisdictions
6.1 By accessing the Services, You warrant that You are not a citizen or resident of the United States or any country on the United Nations sanctions list, or where Cryptocurrency use is prohibited by law.

6.2 Cryptozilla.pro reserves the right to determine its markets and jurisdictions and may limit or refuse Services in certain countries.

6.3 Cryptozilla.pro may use methods to prevent access to the Website or Services by Users in prohibited jurisdictions. You must comply with this section even if these methods are inefficient or circumvented.

6.4 Cryptozilla.pro may withdraw funds from Users in prohibited jurisdictions and donate them to charity at its sole discretion.

6.5 Using the Website is invalid where prohibited by law.

6.6 Cryptozilla.pro may acquire Your IP address and deny access if it indicates a prohibited jurisdiction.

7. Exclusion of Liability
7.1 These Terms of Use do not exclude or limit Cryptozilla.pro’s liability for damages that cannot be excluded or limited by law.

7.2 You use the Website and Services at Your own risk. The Website is provided "as is" and "as available" without any express or implied warranties.

7.3 Cryptozilla.pro disclaims all implied warranties regarding the Website, Services, or any third-party applications and sites.

7.4 Cryptozilla.pro does not warrant that:
- Your use of the Website and Services will meet Your expectations;
- Your use of the Website and Services will be uninterrupted, timely, secure, or error-free;
- Data provided through the Website will be accurate;
- The Website or any content will be free of viruses or harmful components.

8. Permissible Use
8.1 The Website carries financial risks and should be used solely as an experimental utility.

8.2 By accessing the Website, You agree not to violate laws, contracts, intellectual property rights, or the rights of third parties. You are solely responsible for Your conduct while using the Website and Services.

8.3 You agree not to:
- Harm, disable, overload, or impair the Website;
- Use the Website for illegal activities (e.g., gambling, fraud, money laundering, terrorist activity);
- Use unauthorized means to access the Website or retrieve data;
- Distribute viruses, worms, Trojans, or any destructive or misleading items.

9. Exchange Rates, Fees
9.1 The fee to Cryptozilla.pro is included in the rate displayed on the Website. You do not have to pay additional fees unless stated otherwise.

10. Designation
10.1 Cryptozilla.pro may transfer its rights and obligations to third parties without additional consent from the User.

10.2 Users may transfer their rights and obligations only with prior written consent from Cryptozilla.pro.

11. Withdrawal and Validity
11.1 If any provision of these Terms of Use is deemed illegal, invalid, or unenforceable, it will be replaced by a provision with similar intent. Other provisions remain in full force.

12. Copyright Protection
12.1 Using the Website does not grant any intellectual property rights to the Website, software, or content accessed.

12.2 Using search queries containing direct domain or brand names (e.g., cryptozilla.pro) in SEA paid advertising is prohibited and may result in expulsion from the affiliate program.

13. Website Changes
13.1 Cryptozilla.pro may add or remove features from the Website or impose new constraints at any time.

14. Links to Third-Party Sites
14.1 The Website may contain links to third-party sites, which Cryptozilla.pro does not verify for legal compliance. Cryptozilla.pro is not liable for content on third-party sites accessed through the Website.

14.2 By following a link to a third-party site, the contractual relationship between You and Cryptozilla.pro ends. Cryptozilla.pro is not liable for the accuracy or legality of third-party site content or services.